I have exciting news to share today, and although it’s something I have imagined and worked toward for a long time, I still feel unbelievably lucky to be saying this: I have been offered a contract for my first children’s chapter book.
Anna Mei: Cartoon Girl will be published in April 2010 by Pauline Books & Media.
The chain of events that led to this moment began when two of my stories, previously published in PBM's My Friend magazine, were chosen to appear in their anthology called Friend2Friend, coming out in June. An editor I had worked with during that process recently emailed to tell me that PBM was planning to launch a new line of novels for ages 8-11, and asked if I had anything to submit that might fit that description.
As a matter of fact, I did. Anna Mei: Cartoon Girl is a mid-grade chapter book I wrote several years ago to enter in a contest. Though I had gotten some positive feedback from a freelance editor (thanks, Peggy!) and a prominent children’s book editor, I’d never submitted it for publication. But I pulled it out of the desk drawer and sent the first few chapters. The editor wrote back immediately: “I really, really like this manuscript…I’m dying to read the rest of it!”
It was equal parts thrilling and terrifying. I got to work immediately, polishing and revising. I felt nervous about sending Anna Mei, my 10-year-old protagonist, out into the world alone. Finally I said a little prayer, hit the send key, and vowed to try not to think about it—over the years I’ve learned how slowly things move in the publishing world. But the response came back right away—she loved the book and was sharing it with the other children’s editor.
After that things continued to move quickly—it went to the Editorial Board for approval, then on to the full Acquisitions team. That same day I got the response every writer dreams of hearing: “The Acquisitions team loves Anna Mei… Our publisher has authorized me to offer you a contract.” The whole process took less than three weeks. The most gratifying part for me is knowing that these publishing professionals, who make it their mission to enrich children’s lives by offering high-quality, wholesome reading material, “love the book” and want to attach their names to it.
My husband bought me a gorgeous bouquet of spring flowers to mark the occasion. I told him how blessed I feel to have been offered this opportunity. Then we talked about luck, and about the old adage that luck = preparation + opportunity. He pointed out that I had prepared by working at my writing, building up a resume and credibility, researching markets that fit my style and sensibility, and creating a website to promote my work. I had challenged myself by attempting a novel-length manuscript and finishing it. And when an opportunity came along, I was ready. So I guess he’s right that this success was earned...but I’m pretty sure that little prayer I whispered didn’t hurt, either.
The chain of events that led to this moment began when two of my stories, previously published in PBM's My Friend magazine, were chosen to appear in their anthology called Friend2Friend, coming out in June. An editor I had worked with during that process recently emailed to tell me that PBM was planning to launch a new line of novels for ages 8-11, and asked if I had anything to submit that might fit that description.
As a matter of fact, I did. Anna Mei: Cartoon Girl is a mid-grade chapter book I wrote several years ago to enter in a contest. Though I had gotten some positive feedback from a freelance editor (thanks, Peggy!) and a prominent children’s book editor, I’d never submitted it for publication. But I pulled it out of the desk drawer and sent the first few chapters. The editor wrote back immediately: “I really, really like this manuscript…I’m dying to read the rest of it!”
It was equal parts thrilling and terrifying. I got to work immediately, polishing and revising. I felt nervous about sending Anna Mei, my 10-year-old protagonist, out into the world alone. Finally I said a little prayer, hit the send key, and vowed to try not to think about it—over the years I’ve learned how slowly things move in the publishing world. But the response came back right away—she loved the book and was sharing it with the other children’s editor.
After that things continued to move quickly—it went to the Editorial Board for approval, then on to the full Acquisitions team. That same day I got the response every writer dreams of hearing: “The Acquisitions team loves Anna Mei… Our publisher has authorized me to offer you a contract.” The whole process took less than three weeks. The most gratifying part for me is knowing that these publishing professionals, who make it their mission to enrich children’s lives by offering high-quality, wholesome reading material, “love the book” and want to attach their names to it.