It started with one of those coincidences that at first seems unimportant, but takes on significance later. I’d been putting some family photos in albums, which led to the inevitable hour or two of looking through all the albums, since I’m kind of a sap that way. For some reason, I paused over a picture of my oldest son, Matthew, taken on the day he was learning to ride his bike without training wheels. Although it happened almost 20 years before, I had a weird sensation of being in that exact moment again. I remembered very clearly how it felt to watch him riding down the sidewalk—away from me. I remembered how my initial sen

I had to put the picture away then. Although I had gotten used to the fact that Matthew had grown up and gone off to college 1,500 miles away, I still missed him. I still had moments of nostalgia when I wished I could turn back the clock and enjoy his childhood—and those of his two brothers—all over again.
A few months later, while perusing an online writers’ bulletin board for market news, I came across a message from the Chicken Soup publishers. They were looking for real-life stories for a new book on the topic of empty nesters. How does it feel, they wanted to know, to have your children leave home? I immediately flashed back to the picture. It feels like standing on the sidewalk, watching them ride away from you. Knowing that it’s good and right for them to go, knowing that things will never be the same again.
With my youngest about to graduate from high school and another empty bedroom in my near future, I knew I had something to say about this topic. I did it in a story I called “Just Keep Pedaling.” Though I typically rewrite and revise a story to within an inch of its life, this time I left it pretty close to its original form. I submitted it to the publisher’s website and then, knowing how slowly things move in the freelance writing biz, put it out of my mind. It wasn’t until many months later that I learned they had received over 5,000 submissions, and that against those odds, mine was one of only 101 chosen.
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Empty Nesters came out in Oct. 2008. My story had a new title (“Pedal Power”… hmmmm), but it was a thrill to see it nestled there among the other hundred stories and poems, helping shed light on a bittersweet time in every parent's life. It had come straight from the heart—and I think that's exactly how it ended up in Soul.